Sunday, August 24, 2008

It’s Like Bambang Pamungkas Moving to Manchester United?

One of my highest-ever goals in my life is to continue my study to one of the top schools in economics in US, of course by getting scholarship. But, for a while I can’t keep thinking about the clean path to get into this school. How? I think it’s so difficult to get it because perhaps I am not a great student compared to other foreign students who have the same aims as me; I study in University of Indonesia which is relatively not well-known among other top universities in the world, which is an essential factor.

I can make analogy of this me getting into top school is like Bambang Pamungkas, which is one of the best of the best players in Indonesia, moving to Manchester United, which is one of the biggest club on earth.

And yet, I want to assure myself by upbringing possibility making analogy like Hidetoshi Nakata moving to AS Roma at that time so that I can have a little bit optimism…hahaha


Alamsyah said...

"I can make analogy of this me getting into top school is like Bambang Pamungkas, which is one of the best of the best players in Indonesia, moving to Manchester United, which is one of the biggest club on earth."

masalahnya mand..
apa lo yakin kalo lo tuh "yang terbaik se Indonesia seperti bambang pamungkas??"
hahahah..bcanda offense..


mandcrut said...

Itu justru masalahnya, lam..gue aja bukan yang the best di Indonesia gimana mau masuk Harvard or Princeton ya...hahaha

Alamsyah said...

gimana kalo lo analogi aja ama park ji sung..

kalo menurut gw, park ji sung secara skill masih kalah dari shunsuke nakamura..

tapi kita liat..
siapa yang main di klub yang lebih gede..

smua tahu, karena satu hal:
park ji sung punya determinasi, aggresif, dan stamina yang kuat..

artinya, dengan kerja keras, "impossible is nothing.."

hahaha mand...sori g bermaksud menggurui..

btw, maen2 lah ke blog gw..

maen2 juga ke blog gw ama anak2 yg laen ya:

kigendengwaras said...

Halo, mand numpang nimbrung
sekalian "promosiin" blog gw he3x..

menurut gw mahasiswa luar ga lebh pntr dr kita...masalahnya pola pikir mereka aj yg udah "diprogram" oleh sistem pndidikan yg lbh baik...
di sana mhsiswa di taman baca buku udah biasa..coba di FE, msl gw baca buku di taman makara paling di ejekin sok pinter, dll..ha2x

aditmen said...

impossible is nothing.. kan bambang pernah digosipin mo ke derby county haha.. eh tapi dya malah milih ngeband ama samson (haha garing parah)