Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kapan ya ada acara seperti ini?

Kemarin pagi saya secara kebetulan menonton doraemon, salah satu film kartun terfavorit saya. Hehehe... Saya sangat terkejut mengetahui bahwa film kartun tersebut membawakan tema yang berat, yaitu masalah pencemaran lingkungan oleh manusia. Saya jadi bertanya-tanya kepada diri saya sendiri kapan acara-acara yang ditampilkan di televisi lokal kita membawakan pesan yang begitu substansial dan esensial untuk kemajuan bangsa sendiri dan sukur-sukur untuk kemajuan dunia. Tidak usah kartun seperti doraemon, yang saya tahu pasti sulit untuk membuat film animasi seperti itu, cukuplah seperti adaptasi dari sesame street yang sangat bermanfaat untuk pendidikan adik-adik kita...

Saya merasa kesal dengan film-film Indonesia di bioskop saat ini, yang berbau-bau pornografi tapi nanggung..Kalau kata senior saya itu adalah film banci...setengah-setengah..Terlepas dari apakah saya menghormati HAM seseorang atau tidak tapi saya tidak suka banci.. :p

Ayo Bangkit, Indonesia-ku!

Jujur saja saya ngga begitu tahu bagaimana proses terbentuknya organisasi Boedi Oetomo, dimana tanggal berdirinya, yaitu 20 mei 1908, kini diperingati sebagai hari kebangkitan nasional. Tapi, satu yang pasti saya ketahui, yaitu bahwa para pendirinya adalah para intelektual muda yang sangat peduli terhadap kebangkitan Indonesia ketika itu. Satu abad telah berlalu, namun Indonesia masih saja tidak berkutat dengan masalah politis diantara kalangan politisinya sendiri yang saling berebut kekuasaan, segala cara dihalalkan. Peran sebagai oposisi jadi-jadian di parlemen pun dilakonkan. Tujuannya hanya satu: porsi kue ekonomi yang besar.

Salah satu refleksi yang paling mengkhawatirkan atas eksistensi unsur politis dalam ekonomi adalah ketika terjadinya krisis ekonomi tahun 97 yang lalu, studi yang dilakukan oleh Institute of International Economics untuk melihat apakah krisis tersebut dapat diprediksi sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa Indonesia tidak termasuk negara yang masuk dalam kategori negara yang vulnerable terhadap krisis tersebut, sebab unsur politik tidak dimasukkan di dalam modelnya. Namun, setelah unsur politik dimasukkan ke dalamnya, barulah Indonesia dapat dikategorikan sebagai salah satu negara yang rawan terhadap krisis!

Saya jadi berpikir dan heran kapan Indonesia bisa menjadi bangsa yang benar-benar besar dalam arti kekuatan ekonomi dan teknologi yang besar, tidak hanya besar dalam arti yang semu, yaitu hanya besar secara geografis dan demografis. Saya sangat terkejut ketika beberapa waktu yang lalu membaca harian luar negeri (saya lupa namanya apa), mengetahui bahwa Cindy Adams tidak mencantumkan buku biografi Bung Karno sebagai salah satu hasil karyanya! Padahal ketika dia menulis biografi tersebut, yaitu pada tahun 1960-an Bung Karno masih merupakan salah satu tokoh dari dunia ketiga yang disegani, dan saya yakin kalau Cindy Adams ini akan mengakui biografi Bung Karno itu sebagai salah satu hasil karya masterpiece-nya.

Kemarin seluruh stasiun TV milik swasta dan pemerintah mempersembahkan sebuah acara yang berisikan tarian dan nyanyian khas daerah masing-masing di Indonesia, serta lagu nasional yang dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi-penyanyi kelas atas Indonesia. Tidak lupa ditampilkan juga atraksi yang dilakukan oleh para polisi dan tentara. Jujur saja saya sangat kecewa dan tidak puas mendapati isi acara yang demikian. Sangat monoton dan membosankan. Tidak ada yang istimewa. Saya jadi berpikir hanya inikah yang dapat ditampilkan ketika bangsa ini memperingati seabad kebangkitan nasional? Rasa-rasanya tidak ada perbuatan konkret yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan rakyat Indonesia kebanyakan untuk bias memajukan bangsa ini, selain menampilkan acara hiburan seperti nyanyian di televisi setiap tahunnya. Apakah pemerintah dan segenap rakyat Indonesia sungguh-sungguh meresapi makna dari kebangkitan nasional? Jelas jawabannya tidak jelas sama sekali.

Melihat begitu besarnya peranan intelektual muda dalam mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih baik dalam organisasi Boedi Oetomo, mampukah kita memberikan kebangkitan jilid ke-2 bagi Indonesia? Sulit sekali untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini. Jika melihat prestasi teman-teman kita yang berhasil meraih medali pada ajang olimpiade sains tingkat dunia, rasa optimis pasti akan muncul, namun jika melihat acara-acara yang ditayangkan oleh televisi serta tema-tema media yang sangat dangkal, saya jadi pesimis, sebab apa yang ditayangkan oleh televisi mencerminkan selera para konsumennya, yang diantaranya adalah kaum muda.

Tetapi sebagai orang Indonesia, saya pastinya sangat berharap akan kemajuan bangsanya, berharap Indonesia dapat menjadi seperti Korea Selatan dan China yang berhasil meningkatkan kinerjanya baik dalam ekonomi dan olahraga. Kapan Indonesia dapat menjadi seperti kedua negara tersebut? Jika ditanya seperti itu hanya ‘entah’ yang dapat saya katakan. Di dalam hati saya hanya dapat berkata: “Ayo bangkit, Indonesia-ku! agar jangan diremehkan lagi oleh bangsa-bangsa di dunia”

Monday, May 12, 2008

It's not about the amount, stupid!

What do you think is the essence of demonstrations by students? I suppose it's dissapoinment when something is not working as the protestors wish because one will not react to something if it doesn't hurt him/her. It's a definition of problem, yes? The next question pops in my mind would be: Why does a massive amount of demonstrants exist? There are three possible answers. First, the protestestors feel the negative impacts of policies run by government. Second, there exists solidarity among them. Third, they are forced by their 'bosses'.

I would fully agree with the first one. But, the next two answers would not fit my thought. It's ridiculous to protest something that you don't really understand what the core of problems you don't agree with. It's also hysterically funny figuring out that a boss ordering his subordinates to put their almamater jackets on to shouting out loud protesting the government on streets.

Whom should be blame for this embarassing fact? The first one is this stupid boss for creating fake protestors. Why I call this as embarassing? I suppose when college students protesting with their blank brains is similar to kindergarten students but with huge physical figures.

I am really upset seeing a person making contentless speech. I am also upset when the demonstration coordinator being angry finding out the little amount of mass in one faculty. I am upset the most when mass of one faculty singing their faculty marching song as if the most significant thing in one demonstration is all about the amount of protestors. The most essential point of demonstrating is about grabbing the core problem very well. I feel like shouting "shut your damn mouth, idiots. It's not about creating a massive yet contentless demonstration".

What about me getting mingled with other protestors on the street? What is my main motivation? I would go for it if I think it's really urgent to do so. It is not necessarily very rational as I think most of all the problems in Indonesia are not rational academically in terms of solution. However, ocassionally, when my emotion exceeds my rationality I would do it. What about you?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Are you capable?

Today, I was upset looking at a picture of a low class porter at a port carrying bags of chemical powders. But, this is not the main cause why I was so upset. They just got Rp 10,000/day for being exposed to risk taking danger to their health. Why do they want to take such risks? There are two quite obvious answers to this. First, they don't get sufficient sheer of knowledge about being exposed to sickness they may get, so due to lack of and their capacity to get jobs , they decided to take the jobs. Second, they have found out what danger that they may take, but daily bread plays its role.

The next question springs on my mind is, why they just get Rp 10,000/day, while it literally takes muscles and dangers to their health? The most likely answer is that because company/people, if any, who hires them would maximize profits by suppressing their cost! Profit is the name! Yet, I don't know if they get other benefits and fringes.

I just realized that why people are so mad at capitalism is that those capitalists would hire labors with as lowest salary as possible so that they can maximize profit. However, I wonder if those protesters wouldn't do the same things as the others do since slight rise in labor salary, would reduce employers' profit at quite amount. I, myself, doubt if I can attain this goal.

There is only one most feasible guideline to attain this noble goal. That is, they should grip to the moral rod. Would you be eating till you're full up, whereas the others' even can't eat a bite of bread? If this sentence has already been ingrained in one's mind, I do believe that this noble goal is not impossible to attain...But, can human beings carry this out? I hope so, but it's hard to tell...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why Should Bother?

Indonesia is a unique state, I suppose. When I say unique it may mean that there is nearly none like Indonesia in this whole world would do the same thing as Indonesian do. Religion is a really sensitive issue in this biggest moslem population in the world. Today, Ahmadiyah has taken an enormous attention to many Indonesian. It’s been dubbed as satanic religion, if I may say so. It’s gone far away from the Islamic mainstream. One of the most mistakenly understood about islam is that it accepts another prophet after Muhammad SAW, that is Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, while, based on my very limited knowledge about Islam, it’s officially admitted that there will be another prophet after him. It is stated in Al Quran. The results are demolition, killing, and other anarchist actions.

I have been wondering why the Islamic mainstream believers so bother about Ahmadiyah’s emergence? Are they just so afraid of being overtaken by this new stream?

Personally, I’m fine with the others’ belief. Why should disturb them? Masykurudin Hafidz gave an elegant explanation about it, see here. I am wholeheartedly agreed with him. Actually, I think that those people are so idiot, hypocrite, and selfish at the same time. They merely misunderstand what their religion states.

Is this due to their being scary for being overdriven by this new stream, since when Ahmadiyah is getting bigger by more followers coming in, they are getting angrier. I suppose yes. I do not really believe in free lunch. They do this not to prevent the others to get into the wrong path, but because there is political force behind it, I suppose. They worry that it will obscure their religious expansion in this hypocrite state. If you pay attention to what they have done so far, what have they defended. Have you ever wondered why these massive mass of demonstrants have not so bothered with issue of poverty, health, education, and alike?

Come on guys don’t worsen stigma of Islam as a terrorist religion…Don’t get me wrong..