Monday, May 12, 2008

It's not about the amount, stupid!

What do you think is the essence of demonstrations by students? I suppose it's dissapoinment when something is not working as the protestors wish because one will not react to something if it doesn't hurt him/her. It's a definition of problem, yes? The next question pops in my mind would be: Why does a massive amount of demonstrants exist? There are three possible answers. First, the protestestors feel the negative impacts of policies run by government. Second, there exists solidarity among them. Third, they are forced by their 'bosses'.

I would fully agree with the first one. But, the next two answers would not fit my thought. It's ridiculous to protest something that you don't really understand what the core of problems you don't agree with. It's also hysterically funny figuring out that a boss ordering his subordinates to put their almamater jackets on to shouting out loud protesting the government on streets.

Whom should be blame for this embarassing fact? The first one is this stupid boss for creating fake protestors. Why I call this as embarassing? I suppose when college students protesting with their blank brains is similar to kindergarten students but with huge physical figures.

I am really upset seeing a person making contentless speech. I am also upset when the demonstration coordinator being angry finding out the little amount of mass in one faculty. I am upset the most when mass of one faculty singing their faculty marching song as if the most significant thing in one demonstration is all about the amount of protestors. The most essential point of demonstrating is about grabbing the core problem very well. I feel like shouting "shut your damn mouth, idiots. It's not about creating a massive yet contentless demonstration".

What about me getting mingled with other protestors on the street? What is my main motivation? I would go for it if I think it's really urgent to do so. It is not necessarily very rational as I think most of all the problems in Indonesia are not rational academically in terms of solution. However, ocassionally, when my emotion exceeds my rationality I would do it. What about you?


Advanced International Economics at FEUI said...

mand. kok gue baru tau ya lo punya blog.. hoho..
btw, itu foto IE 2005 pas kapan ? sebel ngga ikut !!! hahaha
gue link ya bos !!
oiya, selamet yah summer course nya.. pulang kampung dong lo hahhahaha

Azia Azmi said...

mand..terkadang demo memang ajangnya pamer massa fakultas...siapa sich yang paling banyak...trus mereka nyanyi-nyanyi dech...yel-yel fakultas..

contoh...lagi-lagi diperjalanan..tiba2 anak teknik nyanyi...teknik ui paling jaya xx..(emank maksud tulisan lo itu mereka kan...hehehe)

Emank banyak yang ikut2an...padahal sebenarnya ga ngerti apa2...cuma disuruh bawa karton yang ada tuntutan...ada yang pengen eksis..ada yang pengen tau demo kayak apaan rasanya..banyak dech..belum lagi kalau orasi...kata2nya begitu terdengar indah dan pintar tapi kosong...

biarkan hati nurani yang bicara..kalau menurut lo penting..ya ikut...klau ga...ngapain...bukan karena suruhan ketua bem atau kadiv sospol jadinya ikutan demo..

mandcrut said...

Ki,iya fotonya pas abis UAS semester 2 deh kalo ga salah. Waktu itu lo lagi ke Jerman ya? Uh kasian deh lo padahal anak2 IE 05 udah jarang banget lagi ngumpul segitu banyak loh, kecuali pas buka bareng di rumah lo sih..
Link aja ki. Ntar gue juga link blog lo. Iy gue malesngasih tau blog gue soalnya gue jarang update sih..Hehehe...
Hahaha iya nih gue mau pulang kampung..

Zi, emang gue benci banget tuh sama anak2 fakultas yang keliatan banget ga ngerti topik demonya tapi bisanya nyanyi2 lagu2 fakultas masing2nya doang, padahal kita ini kan mahasiswa UI bukan FEUI, FTUI, or whatever-lah..

fio said...

gw sepakat sama lo mand.. sip deh.. bukan masalah jumlah, bukan masalah diliput media, bukan masalah gengsi fakultas, tapi kepahaman dan kepedulian...