Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life and Rational Expectation

What’s life? Is it something to be stressed about or something that we should be grateful at? The world where we live is full of opposites, of which are the most troublesome adjective for most people, I suppose. Please tell me if you know there is something which doesn’t have its opposite and none of us don’t get mad at, because I am very eager to figure it out. People always feel something bad and sometimes for God for their miserable life if something unexpected opposite happens to them. There is black, there is white; there is day, there is dark; there is man, there is woman; there is happiness, there is sadness, etc. Consequently, no need to deeply brood over it, since when something comes, its opposite will replace it, regardless of time period of the replacement. Believe it or not, sun rises in the morning and hides itself when moon starts showing up. It’s timely and kind of beset every day. I know it’s not something extraordinary.

However, when the winter comes, the period changes. It’s no longer like in regular days; we can change our prediction in the winter, then. I know it’s a poor analogy to life, but the basic moral of this is that when something bad happens to you it will be replaced by something good, vice versa. So, don’t be so upset when something bad makes a visit to you, and, vice versa, don’t be so happy when something good happens to you because it can be replaced with something you have never expected before. See? Expectation plays a big role in life. I am so grateful that I have got a chance to study rational expectation in economics that teaches me to change my expectation, when some variables change.

The main problem here is that not so many people can manage their expectations. In return, some people may consider this life as a kind of proof that you are an imperfect living creature, that can be angry, depressed, and, interestingly, happy in just the short period of time and not to be able to make rational decisions every time. Some people consider this life as a curse because they have been experiencing so much severe pain in his whole life full of torturing, grieves, lost, and so many hard feelings. As a result, most of them might ask not to be delivered in this world and hope to die in young age. For them, I can conclude, life is something to be stressed about.

In my definition, life is something that can prove your existence as a human being since in this life you can feel the bitterness and sweetness of life. Therefore, I feel like this life as something that would make you a ‘real’ human being. By living in this world, human beings can taste such things, which are challenges for our everyday life. Life can make you explore all of your moral, intelligence, and feeling capability in order to survive. And of that, you can be more perfect every minute. To a large part, it’s exciting, indeed. I am not saying life is to be grateful at or stressed about, either because I am far from being able to recall my memory of who I was if I happened not to be born in this world. Thus, I can’t make an objective comparison, then.

The only thing I can say is that I love to live in this unique world even though sometimes I don’t feel very comfortable with my life. What about you, folks? Do you think life is something to be stressed about, or the exact opposite of it, that is something that should be grateful at?


Archie said...

I would rather ask "Are you prepared to die?". If you got the answer, you will find out how important life is.

mandcrut said...

I don't think I have prepared everything I need to die anytime soon...

But, I think life is very important...It's a somewhat wonderful mystery