Wednesday, December 26, 2007

“Yeah, I am able to wander more anywhere I want to go”, says one of ‘honored’ DPR representatives - (at the very least this is what my imagination tol

Reading a ‘tale’, if I may use this term to refer to news conveying a rise in DPR ‘perjalanan dinas’ fund. Waking up from bed on 10:05 (bad habit of holiday) and then started taking breakfast accompanied by reading newspaper, I was staggered, but unfortunately the usual one, on a 30 percent rise of ‘dana perjalanan dinas’ DPR from 2006. For the year 2007, budget for ‘perjalanan dinas’ is Rp 214.7 billion, while in 2006 it was ‘just’ Rp 189.1 billion rising 120 percent from 2005. In 2005, the budget was ‘just-just’ Rp 81.9 billion.

This huge budget would be fine if offset by a rise in productivity too, but DPR has only been able to accomplish about 93 RUU from 284 RUU targeted (hah?!)

I just wonder how can they be so ignorant and self-centered when our beloved country is still trapped in multidimensional crisis. Huh..I just can say this hell information has just ruined my day.. Damn!


fionaverisqa said...

Hmph.. when money talks.. people will caught in silence.. ckckck.

fionaverisqa said...

btw, gw link ya! :)