As Descartes said that cogito ergo sum, that is “I think, therefore I exist”. Why thinking came up to surface? It’s because I feel something odd or curious. I, as a normal human being must have questions in my head, even every second, ranging from the most trivial to complicated ones. Here are the most perplexing questions I have found in my life by far, that are yet to be solved due to its being beyond imagination:
1. If Jesus is said to be sent or, say, created(no?) by Allah, His holy Father, thus who gave life to Allah?
2. Why did Allah create this world and then sent Jesus to this world just to save us (according to Christian bible)? Why did He not just let human beings live in Heaven, instead of in this world? Is it like a game or something?
3. Do heaven and hell exist? Or only heaven which does exist? Or the hell, instead?
4. Does the bible reflect the whole truth?
5. Why did Allah let various religions exist? Why not only Christian?
6. Why does Allah let persons that hesitate His existence remain to live and which most of them are the most brilliant human beings?
7. Where am I if I was not born in this world?
8. What is the general meaning of life in this world since I can’t digest why Allah created this life?
9. Why most Christians would urge going to church every week, while they can praise Allah every single second in their lives? Why do they condemn other Christians who do not go to church regularly as bad persons?
10. When would Indonesia thrive so that Indonesia can sit in the same table with US, Japan, and other G-8 countries, China, India, and Brazil, talking the same topic but with defiance when Indonesia is not agreed to the agreement?
11. When would Indonesian politicians not think about their own interests, while Indonesia is experiencing turmoil or crises?
12. When would Indonesian people stop feeling proud in excessive ways just using other countries’ technology as if Indonesia that invented it?
13. When would Indonesian people stop thinking about Globalization as the sole culprit of this stagnancy situation facing now, instead of the government and they themselves?
I would be so pleased if you bite my tongue coming up with extremely unexpected answers...